Nowadays, people’s average attention span has fallen significantly. This change calls for faster and more efficient website design and optimisation to provide instant information. Website speed and user experience are therefore critical to creating a positive first impression and retaining users. Pages with slow loading speeds risk losing visitors who are unwilling to wait. Also, search engines such as Google are starting to use page speed as one of the important SEO factors, meaning that faster pages get higher rankings in search results.
The optimisation process requires a number of technical improvements. Reducing the size of images by using efficient formats such as WebP, implementing caching, minimising JavaScript and CSS, and pooling resources are just a few examples of measures that can help reduce load times. In addition, the use of CDNs (content delivery networks) and optimizing server response time, including the selection of high quality web hosting and the use of the HTTP/2 protocol, are critical steps to improve page speed.
Mobile SEO is also important, given that a large proportion of web traffic is coming from mobile devices. Mobile users need fast and responsively designed websites optimised for small screens. This requires element sizing to ensure a smooth and fast user experience for mobile users.
Overall, optimising a website for speed and user-friendliness is critical to improving both the user experience and search engine positioning. Investing in the technical optimization of your website will not only help to maintain user interest and reduce the number of pages that leave the site immediately, but will also allow for better visibility in search results. This, in turn, will increase competitive advantage and customer engagement, thereby boosting website performance and impact.